
the motivation: the enthusiasm, the desire to do something; the reason noun
motivated: with desire, compelled, with ambition, inspired adjective
to motivate: to inspire, to encourage verb
  • "You've gotta be able to lead by example in this business Jean, that way you earn respect from your team. Sales is a battle, and you have to motivate your troops each and every day."
  • "Harold Warbuckle : They seem like an excellent team: talented, motivated, and interested in what they are doing."
  • "Harold : Yes, well they seem like an excellent team: talented, motivated, and interested in what they are doing."
  • "But I'm not really motivated by money."
  • "Helping needy people is my real motivation."
  • "Project motivation (I have attached a sort of "task list" to this email for you to show Miss Stake."
  • "Hannah is a motivated and reliable worker."
  • "It should be a song that motivates us!"

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